Are you considering which type of ceremony suits you best?
This decision is very personal and individual.
One thing is certain: a civil wedding is essential for the legality of your marriage. But many couples want to celebrate their love in a more intimate and private atmosphere. In this case, a church or private wedding could be an addition to your wedding day.
Here are some facts about church and symbolic weddings:
Wedding in a church/synagogue/mosque:
- Traditional and religious way to getting married
- Vows before God (or whatever faith community you belong to)
- Beautiful churches frame your fantastic day
- Some rules or traditions must be followed
- There are some limitations to consider when it comes to different faiths
Symbolic Wedding:
- Selection of your personal wedding speaker (celebrant)
- Private and intimate way to get married
- High flexibility, e.g. indoors or outdoors, abroad,…
- Combination of languages, different cultures and traditions is possible without any problems
- No legal documents will be requested
- It is not a legally recognized marriage
What type of wedding will you choose? Follow your heart to answer this question.